
I've always played sports that involved running, and I was insane about playing soccer, but I never considered myself a runner until a couple of years ago.

When I went to college, I stopped playing all sports to focus on music (cello playing specifically) and was so busy that I barely had time to exercise. I didn't go through a major health crisis or gain a lot of weight, but I got soft and lost my bulk muscle tone. After college, my work schedule was quite hectic, and didn't allow for me to work out regularly either. Eventually, I just forced myself to get back in shape by signing up for some running races.

I discovered that I really enjoyed running! I ran my first half marathon last summer, the Rock n' Roll Chicago Half Marathon and had a blast! My second half marathon was the Rock n' Roll Chicago half marathon. I trained for my first full marathon, the Twin Cities Marathon in Minneapolis, but I was injured and unable to run the race. Since then, I have had to put running races on hold, as my injury is a very long term injury. However, I continue to run regularly for fun without training for races.

Here are some treadmill workouts: Distance and Speed, Intense, My Basic Go-To Treadmill Run

Here is my recap of the Rock n' Roll Chicago 2010

Recap of the Rock n' Roll Chicago 2011

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