Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pre-Half Marathon Dinner: Pasta with Salsa di Noci

I love having a savory pasta dish the night before a race! I've actually cooked a very similar meal prior to another race (you can view the recipe I generally followed here), and I thought I'd do something similar with what I had on hand. I didn't have my usual Pappardelle Pasta that I love prior to races, but I did have some whole wheat bow tie pasta made with tomato and spinach. Salsa di noci basically means walnut sauce, and and to make it, I toasted the walnuts in butter and garlic until the garlic is lightly browned and the walnuts are heated thoroughly. Then I removed the contents from heat and added the mascarpone cheese until it melted. I mixed in the cooked noodles and topped with grated parmesan cheese and freshly cracked black pepper. It was awesome! Next time I think I might add some mushrooms! Served with a large salad full of veggies (not pictured because I ate it too fast!) it was a perfect pre-race dinner.

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